Tuesday, 30 September 2008

BWC 2008

BWC 2008..... the results are in!

I came 42nd with a time of 25mins 19secs... Steve did 25mins 37secs for the 13km / 8.5mile course

hey I won! - though to put it all into perspective the winner did it in 22mins...

Full Results

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Brompton World Championship 2008

Just got back from taking part in the 3rd Brompton Bicycle World Championship...

The BWC is a fun cycle race for those with Brompton folding bikes and due to their considerable use for communtors you have to race wearing a shirt, collar, tie and jacket to ape the work atire.

Pic of Steve (r) and me before the start.
The course was two laps of a 6.5km circuit within the grounds of Bleinheim Palace - the hills were longer than the course diagram suggest.

nearly 500 people took part going off in groups of 100 at 5 minutes intervals - but my key competitor for the day was my best mate Steve. The start was Le Mans style where you had to run to your brompton, unfold it then ride off onto the course.

Did not stay for the results as we both had to get going after the event - all we know is that is was close...